The Science Behind Yoga and How it Works on Our Bodies
Yoga is a type of exercise that is done in a specific way which includes the use of poses, postures and breathing. It has been shown to reduce mental and physical stress, as well as being a great exercise for beginners who are starting to work out. Yoga has no equipment requirements and can be done with or without any previous experience with physical activities or exercise.
Yoga is an ancient Indian practise with origins going back to the Vedas, circa 3000 BC. It was developed over millennia and was designed to act as both exercise and therapy. The word yoga means "union" in Sanskrit, which refers to the union between the body, mind, spirit, and breath. There are different types of yoga, like Hatha Yoga (meditative poses), Karma Yoga (helping people), Raja Yoga (spiritual practices) or Jnana Yoga (techniques for self-realisation).
Benefits of Yoga That Will Help You Stay Fit and Healthy
Yoga is one of the most popular fitness regimes in the world. It's based on physical exercises, breathing, and meditation techniques. And it's beneficial for both physical and mental health.
What benefits does yoga have?
Quick Tips to Keep Motivated With Your Home Workout Regimen
There are many reasons to work out at home. One of the best reasons is convenience. With a little bit of preparation, you can have your own personal gym right in the comfort of your own home, saving you time and money on transport and other workout-related costs.
Ways to start your yoga journey
Now that you know the benefits of yoga, the question becomes, "How do you start?" or "Where to begin?". When it comes to yoga, it helps if you have someone to run you through a workout and show you how to do the poses correctly to get the most out of your exercise. The easiest way to start is to find a coach on any of the video sharing websites like YouTube or Vimeo. They will run through a few exercise routines. A lot of the coaches also have 30 day challenges or even paid subscription content that you can start when you are feeling up for it.